
Why do companies give famous people freebies purely because they are, well, famous?

Take Nandos for example, they give/gave celebs a free marinated chicken wing or so just for mentioning them on Twitter.  No wonder those people are rich, they don’t have to pay for anything.  They have the money, they should pay more.  It’s no loss to them until they turn to the booze, break down, become bankrupt and hang themselves in the bathroom.  That’s how business works; you set the price low when the demand is low, to tempt customers into buying the product and when demand is high, you raise the price because it’s now a money-spinner.

I’ve never been to Nandos but it’s us commoners who keep them in business, HAVING to pay for their shit and not get given it to us on a silver platter due to our status in society.  You’re gonna get some buffoon saying that “celebrities are plugging them free of charge, the chicken wing is their cut for advertising” but that’s not true, I don’t think I’ve been hooked into buying something because Marcus Tudgay gave it a mention.  That technique only works on brainwashable irrational thinkers, like 7 year olds but then it’s their parents who have the money, the kids have very little say.

Did Moss get a kilo free for that publicity?

Did Moss get a kilo free for that publicity?

EA, another company, give footballers free PS3s just because they feature in their FIFA series.  I don’t see how that logic works, if we only count the dealings between EA and footballers (ie. taking away the consumers) then the company would be making a loss.  Licensing players/teams/leagues costs a bomb and then there’s the authenticity; who wants to play a game where Marcus Tudgay is given any old face that resembles no one?  3D imagery isn’t exactly free and that stuff’s optional.  We give EA millions annually so we have a game with shiny new kits but a major flaw, which is half-arsedly covered over whenever they please to come to it, if ever.

Even though I’ve not bought FIFA since number 11 because my PS3’s been broke since spring 2011, I’ve been a loyal customer to EA since FIFA 10 because PES turned crap on next-gen, where’s my free PlayStation which burnt out for playing their games too much?  It broke whilst playing GTA: Vice City though, took me almost a year and a half to get the disc out and I still haven’t given it back to the owner.  Marcus Tudgay doesn’t need a red PS3, he has like 5 as it is, he doesn’t need an extra one.  Us plebs are not the waste of corporate resources, au contraire, we’re the exact polar opposite.  We give them the resources to waste yet it’s us left out in the cold, whilst the resource wasters are being kept warm and dry.

See?  People being left out in the cold for giving a $multi-billion company their multi billions.

See? People being left out in the cold for giving a $multi-billion corporation their multi-billions.

I’ve been called a communist before, regarding the Jimmy Carr tax avoidance malarky last year.  It was because I said that the uproar wasn’t that Jimmy was paying very little tax, it was that everyone else paid a proportionally high percentage of it compared to him.  It is true though; if you found a way to only pay 1% tax on your earnings, you’d be the smuggest bastard in all of the land.  Carr makes millions a year so what is a hundredth of £1000000?  £10000, which is still a lot more than the average Brit pays to the taxman per annum.

I don’t find the term ‘communist’ derogatory, I’m not American.  Communism itself is flawed, everyone isn’t equal because they always have a dictator to set things straight and silence the nay-sayers, that’s probably because there never had been a democratic communist country.  The Swiss government are more communist than China, USSR, North Korea, whatever; they don’t have a leader but a committee of representatives for each division of Switzerland.  They do pick one to definitively rep their country each year because they’ll look daft if they bring an entire committee to a world leaders’ summit, where every other nation has one or two reppers.  Anarchy is true communism because everyone is equal, no one has power, it’s a frantic free-for-all between everyone.

Jesus fucking Christ.  Even though communist bashing has been going on for 60 years in the US, it's still like they've discovered a new word but don't know its meaning so they keep on saying it.

Jesus fucking Christ…  Even though communist bashing has been going on for 60 years in the US, it’s still like they’ve discovered a new word but don’t know its meaning so they keep on using it at every single opportunity.

Enough about money-spinning, we all have heard of the Fabrice Muamba story, right?  Footballer, fled war-torn Zaire, had a heart attack, died for 70-odd minutes, resurrected, miracle.  You know he was given an honorary doctorate by the University of Bolton for collapsing on a football pitch.  Granted, it was the University of Bolton, the Key Stage 1 SAT exams at the end of year 3 are of a higher academic value but do you deserve anything for accomplishing nothing of note?  So what he didn’t stay pan bread, he shouldn’t get an honorary degree for it.  It’s the people who helped saving that are worthy of something, then again they probably do have qualifications of some considerable prestige already which they earned, not given to them by the University of Bolton.


Probably the most overrated field in the history of man, I have no clue on earth how those with a doctorate in it can boast about it.  After all it is mostly bullshit, which most people have the ability to spout without the PhD.  We can all see something simple and make a meal out of it, giving it a complex meaning.

A circle inside a square, to these pseudo-intellectual morons, means sadness or some other tedious crap.  A circle is perfection, a square has straight edges and rough, pointy corners so something must be up.  The circle is trapped inside this imperfection, it wants to get out and be free from boundaries.  Because of this, the circle is suffering and wants to express itself, be a circle free from confinement and free from limits holding it back.  To everyone else, it’s the universally accepted tumble dryer-safe symbol for your washing.  It didn’t take me that long to think of that and I’m not crying for some qualification so I am certified to tell nonsense.  Art is one field that has become a victim of severe overthinking, the work of an artist is no longer judged on the quality, but what it represents.  That’s why art critics are the most self-centred, egotistical cunts on the face of the earth.  No one wants a collection of carrier bags stapled to their wall because those twats think it represents living in a Big Brother-George Orwell fantasy, it’s fucking litter.

Say what you see…

The same can be said about other ancient Greek socio-scientific fields.  Philosophy is nothing more than letting your mind wander and making people think ‘good point’, you’re just a social commentator.  I’ve done that quite a few times, it probably just means you’re more open-minded than the rest, or not as narrow-minded depending on how dense you are.  There’s nothing thought-provoking on my mind right now but my blog may be full of it, 50-odd posts neuronourishment probably but looking at my statistics, I’m a two-post wonder.  No one’s interested in what I think about, apart from a Welsh footballer accused of rape and a dead Canadian girl.

I feel like Spandau Ballet, only known for two pieces of work but the rest of my higher quality oeuvre is overlooked by most.  Spandau Ballet’s best album, in my opinion, is Diamond but most only know them for their two hits from True — so you can understand that hypothety.  Can’t wait to become an honorary doctor of the University of Bolton now.

A Question

If you didn’t witness something, did it really happen?

Anyone who thinks yes and it’s a dumb question are dumb themselves, what do you think scepticism is?  Are there things you are unsure about?  That’s the beauty of it.  You know I’m a football nut, so people say they saw Mario Balotelli dressed as Santa, handing gifts out in Manchester at Christmas time last year but he said he didn’t do it.  Only last month, a part of Essex was cordened off because of a reported lion on the loose.  It turned out the images that sparked the panic were a close-up of your typical ginger cat and a lion Photoshopped onto a dark photo from mobile phone.

I’m sceptical about those gift referral website thingies, where you get others to sign up and you get a free iPhone after a certain number is reached.  They always have pics of people posing with their newly gained items, along with a message by them praising the site, as “proof” but how do I know they’re not stooges?  I don’t want to find out for myself because I don’t trust those websites, god knows who I’m giving my details out to.

So yeah, don’t jump to conclusions flaunting your self-arrogance, it will only backfire.  Swivel.

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